“Turn The Page”

“Turn The Page”



God is doing a new thing...


Isaiah 43:19

“Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall springs forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the dessert.”

Sisssss, truth be told that one of the hardest things to do in life is to accept that things are getting better after they have been bad for so long. I know you wonder, is this really happening? Is this really God? Or Nah? Well I’m here to tell you that it is happening and it is ALL GOD SIS! For some it will happen and it will be ALL GOD SIS! 


What we have to do is pray that we can discern what God is doing and where he is calling us to shift from. Personally I could not write this blog until I took a deep breathe and realized that God himself turned things around for me. I had to open myself up again to the fact that All Things really do work for my good (Romans 8:28), and that I am allowed to enjoy the good. 

Over the years I would step foot into the good, but then allow the uncomfortable feeling and inconsistent people in my life to cause me to step back into my comfort zone. Then I would look up and wonder why things did not change..Crazy right? Well sis, I’m here to tell you just like the spirit of God told me, “In order to fully embrace the next level I have placed you in-you need to turn the page. I have delivered you from the ruins and even though you may walk through places that are unfamiliar, I the Lord will be with you!”

However, this time you’re not starting from scratch you are starting from the place where your experience meets preparation from the Holy Spirit. You are no longer a babe in Christ you have crossed the threshold of shifting into who God is calling you to be. So, take courage and recognize that you are standing, sitting, and walking on holy ground because God is guiding your footsteps. The only thing that would cause you to fumble the ball is to step back into  your past and not “Turn The Page.”

Make it up in your mind that you will embrace the blessings in this season because you have been built for this. God would not shift you if you were not ready and developed for this season. Something, someone said to me is “You have mastered that process, you don’t see it because you lived it. Sometimes other people have to reveal to you who you are because you have been in it so long.”

These are my final words to you, “God is indeed doing a new thing, receive it because you have been chosen by him to win.” The degree is yours, the new home is yours, the love you desire is yours, and that business is yours,sis. Simply because God said so and you put in work for it, so own it. 

  Let’s Pray

Father God, I thank you for keeping me this fair, I am grateful that in spite of me you choose to bless and use me. I pray that your will would overtake mine and grow me to embrace this season of my life. I surrender my doubts, fears, and areas I need to grow in to you. I pray for the strategy, structure, and  confidence needed to be everything you have called me to be. I speak against shrinking back and taking my eyes off you. Have your way in my life Lord! I thank you that all things work for my good and that you are leading me to a place of  impact, and purpose.In Jesus name I pray and thank you, Amen. 

She is clothed in strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.

Proverbs 31:25


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