Baggage Claim

Baggage Claim

Heyyy Siiis,

The Lord gave me this blog post a few months ago when I was on what was for the foreseeable future my last business trip to Pennsylvania. I’ll explain a little bit about what I do, I have a love for going into organizations and helping them improve their processes or set a foundation that allows them to achieve growth in their Mental Health or Home Health Agency. I have always had a keen sense of business, organization, and an ability to see a greater outcome than the present obstacles, this is a gift from God.

When I got off the plane, I saw the sign “Baggage Claim” clearer than ever before. To the point where I knew God was speaking to me. As I collected my bags and got into my rental car, I heard the Lord say “Stop carrying what does not belong to you.” Immediately this scripture dropped in my spirit Galatians 5:1 For freedom, Christ set us free. Stand firm then and don’t submit again to a yoke of slavery.

I don’t know if you have ever experienced carrying situations, people, or even burdens that did not belong to you. You may currently be in a season of your life where you feel like you have to be the strong one. I came to tell you that this is not God’s original plan for our lives. Matthew 11:28-30 clearly says “Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is comfortable, and My burden is light.”

 Now sis, don’t get me wrong we have seasons when it feels uncomfortable, but it is God causing all things to work for our good. The baggage I am referring to is the weight that we carry even when God removes us from a situation or geographical location. The thoughts that continue to burden our minds because we think we are not good enough or ready for what we know God is telling us to do. This led to the reason I dedicated the month of May to identifying the baggage, sharing strategies to be release it, and remain free.

 God is calling his daughters to live a healed, whole, and victorious life. As I have been praying and truthfully walking through this process myself. I have concluded that I needed to get back to the basics prayer, reading the word of God, and getting to know who I am outside of what I do (work, family, business, etc).

Therefore, I want to encourage you to continue your journey of healing and self-discovery so that you can be that girl. The girl God created you to be, the girl that stands on business in faith, and the girl that goes after all that she knows God said is hers.

Here are a few ways to continue the process:

  1. Pray and ask God to reveal the root and help you remove it.
  2. Got to therapy or get a life coach.
  3. Make moves  to do the last thing you know God told you to (sometimes it’s our action that breaks things off our lives).
  4. Write a list of the things you wanted to do in life before the trauma or you became the burden carrier. Then actually do them.
  5. Be willing to walk away from anyone or anything that does not serve you.
  6. Be willing to be alone to grow.
  7. Find good books that speak to where you are and where you would like to go.
  8. Make sure that you are in your word whether it be a Bible app or a physical Bible.
  9. Get involved in the community- community provides comfort and accountability.
  10. Live your life, you only have one. Take a step outside the door, breathe, and have fun.


Let’s Pray

Lord God, I come before you grateful that you Love me despite me. I ask your forgiveness of any sins I committed against you and for my allegiance to the things that cause me to show up lesser than you created me to be. Now I humbly ask that you would uproot the former things from my spirit man, body, and actions. Lord, please  place fresh oil inside of me as I become a new vessel. I surrender my mind, will, and emotions to you so that I may show up more fully in my life today. Lord,  I send the  baggage back to its original owner and release myself into freedom in you. I accept what you have to say about me and I embrace the things you want me to carry in my life, for the rest of my life.

 In Jesus’ name, I pray Amen.



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